rooting – disrooting (2017) »

Published 12. September 2017

“Culture Makes You Strong” in cooperation with BMBF and BBK. Find a selection of works from my members in this pdf.

Interim Report Bonn – Opole – An intercultural Dialogue (2017) »

Published 12. September 2017

Female artists from Poland and Germany in dialogue – photography, painting, language. Sidika Kordes with Malwina Mielniczuk, Romualda Anioł Lubas, and Alicja Kostrzewa. Art as a bridge between the two cultures for the 20th anniversary of the Bonn – Opole twin city friendship. Exhibition opening: October 8th, 2017, at 3:00 PM Frauenmuseum Bonn Im Krausfeld 10 53111 Bonn Exhibition duration:…

On Being and Becoming There (2015) »

Published 09. October 2015

An intercultural project about homeland, foreignness, and hopes I listen to the life stories of people who had to or wanted to leave their existence and look at what their becoming there looks like. I ask about their desires, dreams, and hopes. From their answers, images with text overlays are created.

10th International Meeting – Annaberg, Poland (2015) »

Published 09. October 2015

10th International Meeting with Artists from Germany and Poland in Annaberg (Góra Św. Anny), Opole County.

Eastern Blocs (2015) »

Published 23. April 2015

A journey to Poland painted-over photos Houses, street signs, windows – the face of this city has changed many times. I have followed these traces, further developing German-Polish language impressions.

FarmArt – Wachtberg Bonn (2014) »

Published 30. April 2014

Art in Motion – Wall Installation at JACK WOLFSKIN, Idstein (2012) »

Published 28. April 2012

Um die Vielzahl der Themen auf das Wesentliche zu reduzieren, entwickelte die Bonner Kommunikationsagentur intention zusammen mit der Künstlerin das Konzept. Detailfotos finden sich neben sportlich aktiven Menschen im Naturpanorama, Übermalungen wechseln sich mit Fotos ab, die Zeitlosigkeit von Kunst verbindet sich mit den Aufnahmen eines Moments zu einem spannenden Gefüge.

Work for Caritas Foundation (2010) »

Published 24. April 2010

Bronze, commissionend by Caritas Foundation, Cologne Seven figures combined with small glass-panels.

Timeline – Wall Installation for C. Gerhardt (2010) »

Published 23. April 2010

Timeline – Large wall installation on the company history of C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG in Königswinter. This project was created in collaboration with the Bonn-based communications agency intention ( C. Gerhardt is a family-owned company and one of the world’s leading providers of laboratory equipment and methods for the analysis of animal feed and food products. The large…

Bonns Diversities (2008) »

Published 29. April 2008

Bonn is diverse – not just in nature, but also in people. I have interviewed people in Bonn who I deem interesting. Exhibition during the UN conference of Biodiversity. Steel construction with blocks, printed with international statements about Bonn Printed in the same way there were servicing. Download statements as PDF (German) Cooperation with the artist Deva Wolfram at the…

Be a Part of Bonn (2007) »

Published 29. April 2007

100 pictures showing motives of Bonn were produced in cooperation with the “Bürgerstiftung der Sparkasse KölnBonn”. Artwork “100 Bilder für Bonn” Be a Part of Bonn (Sei ein Teil von Bonn) – view all pictures on the page of Bürgerstiftung Bonn.

Budapest (2006) »

Published 29. June 2006

In May 2006 I exhibited in Budapest with 3 other artists from Bonn. These drawings were the result of my impressions from the journey, e.g. old trams or buildings made from prefabricated concrete slabs and the people living in them.

Myth of the Mother (2005) »

Published 29. April 2005

Joint exhibition in the Frauenmuseum Bonn with the theme mother. Her face is formed by a dumbbell whose inscription gives her the name Sunflower Baerbell. She stands, surrounded by a variety of found objects, showing her nuts and bolts- known as “mothers” in German. Sunflower Bärbell sits amid a series of found objects: huge springs, cake tins, reinforcing steel, parts…

Colourful for Life (2003) »

Published 29. April 2003

When our daughter came into the world in 2002 life turned colourful, and small and big people appeared in my pictures. From the series “Colourful for Life”, watercolours and Indian ink on wood, 30x30cm

Traces (2001) »

Published 29. April 2001

“What do you think about when you think of Bonn?”- That’s the question I asked everyone I met during a journey through Israel- and the answers led me to develop the following pieces. Traces – a word installation, scripts, reinforcing steel, wood, canvas and Indian ink

BONNOVA (2001) »

Published 29. April 2001

Bonn-Nova after the government’s move – the “Round Table” of Bonn and the Bonn-be-Bed, made for its citizens. The bent Schuermann stool placed next to the boss’s chair and its owner as well as the “long Eugen” (reference to a building in Bonn) in this arrangement give the citizens of Bonn the opportunity to take a seat and take control…